Transformed Hearts: Your Purpose, Your Career

“Understand your career is what you’re paid for, your calling is what you’re made for. #Purpose” Ashley Joy

You’ll hear me talking a lot about finding your purpose in life.  I strongly believe that it’s a critical component on making an impact in this world.  When people discover their purpose they discover who they are, their passions and what they were made for.

For the longest time I never knew my purpose.  I would sit and wonder what I was going to do with my life.  I went through several potential careers that I thought at the time were perfect for me (teacher, pediatrician, child psychologist, television producer) but none ever fully satisfied me.  It wasn’t until I began working at a boys & girls club and at the student union on campus that I began to discover what I wanted my career to be someday and also my calling.

Helping people is one of my passions.  I receive instant joy when I have helped to make a impact in someone else’s life.  My calling is to be a servant, to help others, and because I am sure of that, that’s what I look for in a job.  My creative and fun loving spirit complements this perfectly and as I began to discover that, I began to own who I am and the kind of difference I can make in this world.

Picking a career shouldn’t be taken lightly.  It should be made with intense thought and prayer on what you want part of your life to be.  A career is something that should drive you, push you and make you want to be a better person.  A career should coincide with what you have been called to do.

So take the time to discover your purpose. Sit and have quiet time to find what you’re passionate about.  It’s all worth it in the end to do something you love.

xoxo B 

TH Carrer Post

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