Do You Know What Today Is?? IT’S MY BLOGIVERSARY!!!

LST Blogiversary

One year ago I started this journey.   One this very day in 2012 I stepped out on faith and started something that I felt led to begin.  It’s been a year full of ups and downs.  I’ve struggled, had fun, and met some new people but most of all I’ve grown.  This has turned out to be much more than a blog…as I discussed in a previous blog post it’s become my way of life.

This past year has been all about growth and discovering who I am and what I have to offer this world.  I’m not the same Brittany and as a result this isn’t the same blog.  What started out as a way to be stylish and impact lives along the way has turned into something more meaningful and heartfelt.  I will never forget the day this ministry came on my heart or I when I was led to ask my friend Julian to design the logo.  I remember us going back and forth for weeks trying to get the colors right lol.  I was just starting this blog and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

I’m not here to put myself on; I’m not here to be successful solo.  When I eat, I want to see others eating, when I win I want to see the same for other people.  Too many people are out here competing and backstabbing and not enough people are uplifting and supporting.

I’m charged for what this next year holds and am ready to step into the place the God has for me.  Regardless of how many viewers, followers and subscribers I have I know that without a shadow of a doubt I am operating this here blog out of purpose and THAT is what matters MOST!

I’m ready to collaborate and begin to be a blessing in the lives of others.  One thing about this blog is that it stands for servant leadership.  We lead by example and we love because of our ultimate example…Christ.

I encourage you to share what you read with others, to engage in topics that are presented and continue to showcase they amazing style that you have.  This life isn’t just about you or me, it’s about us collectively and when we come together in unity amazing things can happen.

I believe that this next year holds bigger and better things. From giveaways, to starting a teen girls group, to possible webisodes or podcasts!!  I’m telling you there are no limits to what God can and will do!  Of course we will still give you what I consider to be staples to LST:  BStyle, #WerkWednesday, Love & Inspiration and SnF.  They may evolve but the concept will always stay the same.

I’m also looking for people who want to be a part of the LST team.  If you have an eye for fashion, are an exceptional writer or would just like to assist me or be a blessing then please PLEASE contact me ASAP (!! I’m always looking for talented and creative people to help as I continue to help others!

So as I sit here typing this I’m overwhelmed with emotion.  I cannot believe that this day has come and I’m so freaking pumped.  Thank all of YOU who have supported in any way….LST is small but mighty.  So be on the lookout this month!! It’s celebration time and I can’t imagine what better way to celebrate than with all of YOU!!



A Year with LST!! Check out these pics!!

Oh a year in BStyle! Something I so look forward to getting back on the blog!!!

Oh a year in BStyle! Something I so look forward to getting back on the blog!!!

#WerkWednesday has a special place in my heart.  Finding your pictures and showcasing them has been an absolute highlight for the blog.

#WerkWednesday has a special place in my heart. Finding your pictures and showcasing them has been an absolute highlight for the blog.

SnF is near and dear to my heart.  Being able to showcase the good in others and how they are impacting the world is truly meaningful to me.

SnF is near and dear to my heart. Being able to showcase the good in others and how they are impacting the world is truly meaningful to me.

I love writing about the different topics on Love & Inspiration.  I've grown so much through what I've learned and it's my hope that it's inspired someone somewhere as well

I love writing about the different topics on Love & Inspiration. I’ve grown so much through what I’ve learned and it’s my hope that it’s inspired someone somewhere as well

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